Introducing My Newsletter

It's been so long since I've written anything new, and it's long overdue. I don't know why I go through these long periods of inactivity. Well, that's not entirely true. I allow myself to become distracted by unproductive activities such as TV, social media, etc. I have ongoing editing projects with two clients, but I... Continue Reading →

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Welcome – Take A Tour

Thank you for stopping by my author website, where you will find a variety of fiction and poetry on my “Home” page. My fiction stories include fantasy worlds, suspense, intrigue, and paranormal/supernatural activity. However, beware of the paranormal because it might stop your heart—horror creeps into some of my short stories. I do hope you... Continue Reading →

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The Painted Sky

As the day waned, painting the sky with hues of burnt orange and soft pinks, a lone sailboat glided across the tranquil waters. Its white sails billowed gracefully, catching the last whispers of the evening breeze. On board, Captain Owen stood at the helm, his weathered hands expertly guiding the vessel toward the horizon. The... Continue Reading →

Upon a Mountain

Upon a mountain's lofty peak, she stands,A woman, solitary, gazing far,Where eagles dance with outstretched wings,Above a valley, bathed in golden stars. The crisp wind whispers through her hair,As she, a sentinel, surveys the land,Her eyes, a mirror of the azure sky,Reflect the grandeur nature's brush has planned. Behold the eagle, regal in its flight,A... Continue Reading →

I Didn’t Know That

I'm sure there are many things about the American Civil War you never knew or considered. I've never been into history or wars, but I find some things interesting. Do you know what I mean; learning exciting facts. I'm reading the first of three books about the Civil War. None of them are specifically about... Continue Reading →

Cascading Memories

Raindrops trickled down the windowpane, casting a watery veil over the world outside. She stood peacefully, gazing into the chaos, her thoughts drifting with the rhythm of the rain. Memories collided like raindrops, each forming a poignant ripple within her soul. The scent of wet earth awakened long-forgotten dreams, and the distant thunder echoed the... Continue Reading →

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