About The Author

Jill Yoder enjoys writing about life lessons and transformation, but doesn’t limit herself. Fiction and poetry are her true loves, and she continues to learn more about those genres.

She holds a Bachelor’s degree in English and Creative writing from Southern New Hampshire University. She has a concentration in poetry and a minor in Art History. Her love of art and writing is what drives her passion for life.

Jill was born and raised on a four-acre farm in the state of New York. She moved to the sunny state of Florida when she was 23–she enjoys the heat much better than the snow. Jill draws upon her childhood experiences, her travels, and people to inspire her.

Jill has several poems published in two anthologies: World of Poetry Anthology and Our World’s Most Treasured Poems. She writes short fantasy fiction stories as gifts for friends but hopes someday to have a full fiction novel published.

Between August 2019 and June 2020, Jill enjoyed working for Coffee House Writers as a content creator and editor. She wrote fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. Her time with Coffee House Writers gave Jill a place to explore her imagination and was a chance to learn from others in the writing community.

She loves to create beautiful things, whether it be through crafts, painting glass, or writing. Join Jill on her journey, exploring the inspirations of life and living.

“Hope is the thing with Feathers

That perches in the soul

And sings the tune without the words

And never stops at all”

–Emily Dickinson

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